What Every AMERICAN Sailor Needs to Know About Entering Canada
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As an American citizen, you must report to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for inspection upon entering Canadian waters.
Entering Canada occurs when you cross the international boundary and enter Canadian waters. This is different from the US regulations which require you to report when your vessel first comes to rest in US waters, whether at anchor or at a dock.
This reporting requirement applies whether you land (ie dock), anchor or enter a river or canal system.
It applies if you are 'weaving' in and out of Canadian waters – for example while engaged in recreational fishing.
The only exception is if you are “in transit”, defined as proceeding directly from 1 point outside of Canada to another point outside of Canada in a continuous, uninterrupted passage with no delays or stop-overs. This is not considered to be entering Canada.
Here are the various situations which you may encounter entering Canada:
A) If you have left the United States and landed on Canadian soil (eg – docked at your favourite yacht club or marina), you must report to a CBSA marine reporting site and then call the Telephone Reporting Centre (TRC) at 1888-226-7277 (1-888 CANPASS), using the telephone reserved for this, to obtain clearance. Only the Master may leave the vessel to carry out this reporting procedure. Neither passengers nor goods may leave the vessel until it has been cleared into Canada.
B) If you are entering Canadian waters but do not land on Canadian soil, you still must report to CBSA. However, you can use your cell phone to call the TRC (1-888-226-7277 / 1888-CANPASS).
If you change your mind and decide you want to land on Canadian soil, even though you reported in by cell phone upon entering Canada, you must still report to a CBSA marine reporting site and then call the Telephone Reporting Centre (TRC) at 1888-226-7277 (1-888 CANPASS) ,using the telephone reserved for this, to obtain clearance. Only the Master may leave the vessel to carry out this reporting procedure. Neither passengers nor goods may leave the vessel until it has been cleared into Canada.
If you are entering Canadian waters with no intention to land on Canadian soil and do not have a cell phone to call in, you must report to a CBSA marine reporting site and then call the Telephone Reporting Centre (TRC) at 1888-226-7277 (1-888 CANPASS),using the telephone reserved for this, to obtain clearance. Only the Master may leave the vessel to carry out this reporting procedure. Neither passengers nor goods may leave the vessel until it has been cleared into Canada.
C) If you are 'weaving' in and out of Canadian waters (not in transit, as defined above) you must call the TRC (1-888-226-7277 / 1-888-CANPASS) upon first entering Canada to obtain clearance. However, you only have to do this the first time you enter Canadian waters.
When you call the TRC, expect a series of questions about the purpose of your trip, about yourself and any passengers, your vessel and any goods being declared. Keep your answers direct, to the point and professional. The CBSA officer will determine if any further inspection is required. If not, you will be given a clearance number. This number is your release and approval to enter Canada. Have a pen and paper ready to record it - preferably in your ship's log. You will need it at hand throughout your stay in Canada.
If the CBSA officer decides that a further inspection is required, the Master will be ordered to ensure that all passengers and goods remain on board until an inspection team arrives.
If you are a citizen of the United States, you do not need a passport to enter Canada. The preferred identification document is the NEXUS Card. It will allow for remote clearing. To use it, ALL persons on board must have a NEXUS card. Otherwise, entry must be done in person at a designated port of entry.
You and all on board, should always carry proof of your citizenship, such as a passport, birth certificate, certificate of citizenship or naturalization, as well as photo identification.
Parents who share custody of their children should carry copies of the legal custody documents. It is also recommended that they have a consent letter from the other custodial parent to take the child on a trip out of the country. The parents’ full name, address and telephone number should be included in the consent letter. Although not necessary, the letter could be notarized to confirm its validity.
Adults who are not parents or guardians should have written permission from the parents or guardians to be entering Canada with them and to supervise the children. The consent letter should include addresses and telephone numbers where the parents or guardian can be reached.
CBSA officers watch for missing children and may ask detailed questions about the children who are traveling with you.
The Master of any American pleasure boat must report to Customs immediately after arriving into the US from a foreign port or place and must also report any foreign merchandise on his boat that is subject to duty. The report may be made by any means of communication and should include the name of the boat, its nationality, name of the master, place of docking and arrival time. If an inspection is required, the Customs officer will direct the vessel to an inspection area.
Here is a link to the Canadian Border Services Agency that will give you additional information on entering Canada.
This link to CBSA will give you the location of all telephone reporting sites in Ontario.
Posted by:
Michael Leahy, www.great-lakes-sailing.com
As a Canadian citizen, when you cross the Canada US border, you must report to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) for inspection.
You arrive in the United States when your vessel first comes to rest in US waters, whether at anchor or at a dock. You would also be considered to have arrived in the United States if you had contact with another foreign vessel or a vessel entering US waters from foreign waters.
When you cross the Canada US border, you must have documents that are Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative – compliant. These would include a valid passport, Enhanced Drivers License, NEXUS./ SENTRI / FAST / Card.
If you are a Canadian citizen entering the United States by pleasure boat, you will need the following documentation:
For each person on board:
Adults who are not parents or guardians should have written permission from the parents or guardians to cross the Canada US border and to supervise the children. The consent letter should include addresses and telephone numbers where the parents or guardian can be reached.
CBP officers watch for missing children and may ask detailed questions about the children who are travelling with you.
When you cross the Canada US border and arrive in the United States, Customs and Border Protection clearance may be obtained by one of three methods listed below:
1) Be in possession of a pre-approved Form I-68 or NEXUS/SENTRI/FAST member card, and call one of the following numbers to report your arrival up to 4 hours in advance;
2) Utilize a CBP Videophone inspection station located in the following;
3) Report in person for inspection to the nearest open marine Port of Entry during the established hours. The following are designated ports of entry;
The following information must be available when reporting:
Here is a link to the US Department of Homeland Security that will give you additional information on crossing the Canada US border
Extended Visits
Canadians who enter the United States by boat are required to re-report into CBP every 72 hours until they leave United States waters.
If you have left Canadian waters and landed in the United States (i.e. docked or anchored in American waters), you are required to report to a CBSA-designated marine reporting site. Upon arrival at a CBSA-designated marine reporting site, call the Telephone Reporting Centre (TRC) at 1-888-226-7277 from the phone provided to obtain clearance.
If you have left Canadian waters and entered U.S waters but not landed in the United States (i.e. not docked or not anchored), you must still report in. You can contact the CBSA by calling the TRC at 1-888-226-7277 from your cellular telephone upon arrival back into Canadian waters.
Posted by: Michael Leahy, www.great-lakes-sailing.com
If you want to truly enjoy all of what the Great Lakes have to offer, US Canadian border crossings are inevitable. The following information applies generally, regardless of whether you are Canadian or American, leaving or returning to your home country.
Both countries maintain active surveillance on the Great Lakes. In fact, that was a central topic at a recent Maritime Security Conference held in Toronto, ON. I have read remarks in sailing forums that suggest otherwise but common sense says that every country is going to use all methods possible to protect their borders. And this certainly applies to the US Canadian border.
There is a Maritime Security Operations Centre, there is the joint Canada – US 'Shiprider' program whereby each country's patrol vessels have law enforcement officers from the other country on-board to eliminate jurisdiction problems, etc. In all cases, treat it seriously, have your proper paperwork on hand and be prepared to be asked to produce it when required.
You have 'landed' in Canada when you enter Canadian territorial waters. You are not considered to have landed if you are “in transit”, defined as proceeding directly from 1 point outside of Canada to another point outside of Canada in a continuous, uninterrupted passage with no delays or stop-overs. You have 'landed' in Canada if you are weaving in and out of Canadian waters, for example if engaged in recreational fishing.
You have 'landed' in the United States when your vessel first comes to rest in US waters, whether at anchor, at a dock or beached.
Never leave home without acceptable identification. I believe that this should always be the case regardless of whether or not you intend on crossing the US Canadian border. You just never know what situations may develop.
The Master of the vessel (usually the owner/operator) is fully responsible for ensuring that there is complete documentation for every person on-board. The preferred piece of identification is a valid passport There are other acceptable forms of identification as well. For Canadians, some of these would include an enhanced driver's license, a NEXUS Card, a Permanent Resident Card or a Secure Certificate of Indian Status. For Americans, in addition to a valid passport or secure or enhanced driver's license, other acceptable identification would include a U.S. Passport Card, a NEXUS Card or a FAST Card.
If you have minor children on-board, you should be aware that with any US Canadian border crossing, customs and border officers are particularly vigilant because of the problems of missing children, runaways, parental kidnappings and human trafficking. Ensure you have proper documentation.
It important to carry the ownership and insurance documentation of your vessel. If you have prescription medications in your medical kit, make sure you have copies of the prescriptions to match them.
These documents can be carried in a waterproof case, available for inspection upon request. As Master, you are responsible for this. As a parent, you will likely have to organize it all for your family yourself anyways. However, if you have guests on-board and plan to enter another country, it is only prudent to ask to see each person's documentation – I would hate to sail across one of the Great Lakes only to be turned back because someone didn't have their documents. Or worse, be accused of attempting something illegal and having my boat seized. It does happen and I suspect the expensive taxi ride home would be an unhappy trip as you contemplate what you have lost.
Items on board
Know what you have on-board. Normal consumables are no problem. However, customs and border authorities are concerned with smuggling which is alive and well on the Great Lakes. With reference to Canada, there are specific prohibitions on bringing certain firearms into the country. Nothing will slow down your entry into Canada as much as discovering that your guest has slipped a hand cannon into the bottom of his or her duffel bag.
Each country has reporting requirements for large amounts of currency (CAN$10,000 and US$10,000). Failure to declare such amount can result in penalties including seizure of the money and possibly seizure of the boat. The best advice is to bring what you need and no more. Use a bank card as ATM machines are common. The Port Reviews list, where possible, the closest ATM to the harbour.
Both countries have stringent laws regarding illegal drugs. Again, as Master, it is your responsibility to ensure that everyone on-board is in compliance with the law. Take no chances here. Personally, I have no problems speaking to a guest directly about this and, if I have any concerns at all, asking to see their kit. After all, its my boat on the line – and yours too! That said, seizure of your boat will be among the least of your problems if illegal drugs are found on-board.
The purpose of these general remarks is just to have you think about some of the other issues involved when you begin to plan a cross-border adventure. US Canadian border crossings are not difficult or stressful - if you come prepared.
As an American citizen, you must report to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for inspection upon entering Canadian waters.
Entering Canada occurs when you cross the international boundary and enter Canadian waters. This is different from the US regulations which require you to report when your vessel first comes to rest in US waters, whether at anchor or at a dock.
This reporting requirement applies whether you land (ie dock), anchor or enter a river or canal system.
It applies if you are 'weaving' in and out of Canadian waters – for example while engaged in recreational fishing.
The only exception is if you are “in transit”, defined as proceeding directly from 1 point outside of Canada to another point outside of Canada in a continuous, uninterrupted passage with no delays or stop-overs. This is not considered to be entering Canada.
Here are the various situations which you may encounter entering Canada:
A) If you have left the United States and landed on Canadian soil (eg – docked at your favourite yacht club or marina), you must report to a CBSA marine reporting site and then call the Telephone Reporting Centre (TRC) at 1888-226-7277 (1-888 CANPASS), using the telephone reserved for this, to obtain clearance. Only the Master may leave the vessel to carry out this reporting procedure. Neither passengers nor goods may leave the vessel until it has been cleared into Canada.
B) If you are entering Canadian waters but do not land on Canadian soil, you still must report to CBSA. However, you can use your cell phone to call the TRC (1-888-226-7277 / 1888-CANPASS).
If you change your mind and decide you want to land on Canadian soil, even though you reported in by cell phone upon entering Canada, you must still report to a CBSA marine reporting site and then call the Telephone Reporting Centre (TRC) at 1888-226-7277 (1-888 CANPASS) ,using the telephone reserved for this, to obtain clearance. Only the Master may leave the vessel to carry out this reporting procedure. Neither passengers nor goods may leave the vessel until it has been cleared into Canada.
If you are entering Canadian waters with no intention to land on Canadian soil and do not have a cell phone to call in, you must report to a CBSA marine reporting site and then call the Telephone Reporting Centre (TRC) at 1888-226-7277 (1-888 CANPASS),using the telephone reserved for this, to obtain clearance. Only the Master may leave the vessel to carry out this reporting procedure. Neither passengers nor goods may leave the vessel until it has been cleared into Canada.
C) If you are 'weaving' in and out of Canadian waters (not in transit, as defined above) you must call the TRC (1-888-226-7277 / 1-888-CANPASS) upon first entering Canada to obtain clearance. However, you only have to do this the first time you enter Canadian waters.
When you call the TRC, expect a series of questions about the purpose of your trip, about yourself and any passengers, your vessel and any goods being declared. Keep your answers direct, to the point and professional. The CBSA officer will determine if any further inspection is required. If not, you will be given a clearance number. This number is your release and approval to enter Canada. Have a pen and paper ready to record it - preferably in your ship's log. You will need it at hand throughout your stay in Canada.
If the CBSA officer decides that a further inspection is required, the Master will be ordered to ensure that all passengers and goods remain on board until an inspection team arrives.
If you are a citizen of the United States, you do not need a passport to enter Canada. The preferred identification document is the NEXUS Card. It will allow for remote clearing. To use it, ALL persons on board must have a NEXUS card. Otherwise, entry must be done in person at a designated port of entry.
You and all on board, should always carry proof of your citizenship, such as a passport, birth certificate, certificate of citizenship or naturalization, as well as photo identification.
Parents who share custody of their children should carry copies of the legal custody documents. It is also recommended that they have a consent letter from the other custodial parent to take the child on a trip out of the country. The parents’ full name, address and telephone number should be included in the consent letter. Although not necessary, the letter could be notarized to confirm its validity.
Adults who are not parents or guardians should have written permission from the parents or guardians to be entering Canada with them and to supervise the children. The consent letter should include addresses and telephone numbers where the parents or guardian can be reached.
CBSA officers watch for missing children and may ask detailed questions about the children who are traveling with you.
The Master of any American pleasure boat must report to Customs immediately after arriving into the US from a foreign port or place and must also report any foreign merchandise on his boat that is subject to duty. The report may be made by any means of communication and should include the name of the boat, its nationality, name of the master, place of docking and arrival time. If an inspection is required, the Customs officer will direct the vessel to an inspection area.
Here is a link to the Canadian Border Services Agency that will give you additional information on entering Canada.
This link to CBSA will give you the location of all telephone reporting sites in Ontario.
What Every CANADIAN Needs To Know About Crossing The Canada US Border
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As a Canadian citizen, when you cross the Canada US border, you must report to U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) for inspection.
You arrive in the United States when your vessel first comes to rest in US waters, whether at anchor or at a dock. You would also be considered to have arrived in the United States if you had contact with another foreign vessel or a vessel entering US waters from foreign waters.
When you cross the Canada US border, you must have documents that are Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative – compliant. These would include a valid passport, Enhanced Drivers License, NEXUS./ SENTRI / FAST / Card.
If you are a Canadian citizen entering the United States by pleasure boat, you will need the following documentation:
For each person on board:
- Name
- Date of Birth
- Passport, NEXUS, FAST card, Enhanced Drivers Licence or Secure Certificate of Indian Status
- Boat Registration or licence number
- Boat name
- Boat length
- CBP decal number for vessels 30+ feet
- Dinghy licence and papers
- Copies of prescriptions for any prescription medication
- Value of any declarable merchandise
- U.S. marina at which you arrived or will be arriving
Adults who are not parents or guardians should have written permission from the parents or guardians to cross the Canada US border and to supervise the children. The consent letter should include addresses and telephone numbers where the parents or guardian can be reached.
CBP officers watch for missing children and may ask detailed questions about the children who are travelling with you.
When you cross the Canada US border and arrive in the United States, Customs and Border Protection clearance may be obtained by one of three methods listed below:
1) Be in possession of a pre-approved Form I-68 or NEXUS/SENTRI/FAST member card, and call one of the following numbers to report your arrival up to 4 hours in advance;
- Minnesota/North Dakota: 1-800-505-8381
- Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula: 1-906-632-2631
- Port Huron area: 1-810-985-9541 ext. 235
- Detroit area: 1-313-393-3793 or 1-313-393-3949
- Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Duluth, MN: 1-888-523-BOAT (2628)
- New York State: 1-800-827-2851
2) Utilize a CBP Videophone inspection station located in the following;
- In MICHIGAN: Mackinac Island
- In OHIO: Put-in-Bay (Bass Island), Cedar Point Marina, Brands Marina (Port Clinton), East 55th Street (Cleveland), Lagoons Marina (Mentor), Chagrin Yacht Club (Eastlake), Grand River marina (Fairport), Ashtabula Public Dock.
- In ERIE, PA: Presque Isle, Dobbins Landing, Perry’s Landing, Lampe Marina.
- In NEW YORK: Dunkirk, Erie Basin Marina (Buffalo), North Tonawanda, Youngstown, Wilson, Olcott, Point Breeze, Rochester, Sodus Point, Oswego, Sackets Harbor, Clayton, Alexandria Bay, Morristown, Ogdensburg, and Waddington.
3) Report in person for inspection to the nearest open marine Port of Entry during the established hours. The following are designated ports of entry;
- Milwaukee, WI (414) 486-7790
- Chicago, IL (312) 296-6534
- Duluth, MN (218) 720-5203
- Baudette, MN (218) 634-2803
- Crane Lake, MN (218) 993-2321
- Sault Ste. Marie, MI (906) 632-7221 or (906) 632-2631
- Port Huron, MI (810) 985-9541 ext.235
- Detroit, MI (313) 393-3949
- Toledo, OH (419) 259- 6424
- Sandusky, OH (419) 625 – 0022
- Cleveland, OH (216) 267 – 3600
- Erie, PA (814) 833 – 1355
- Buffalo, NY (716) 881-4447
- Niagara Falls, NY (716) 282-3141
- Lewiston, NY (716) 285-1676
- Rochester, NY (585) 263-6293
- Alexandria Bay, NY (315) 482-2065
- Ogdensburg, NY (315) 393-1390
- Massena, NY (315) 764-0677
- Champlain, NY (518) 298-8346
The following information must be available when reporting:
- Name, Date of Birth & Citizenship of Master (with supporting documentation
- Name of Boat
- Boat Registration or Licence Number
- U.S. Decal Number (if 30 feet or longer)
- Name, Date of Birth, Citizenship of all passengers with supporting documentation
- Home port
- Current location
Here is a link to the US Department of Homeland Security that will give you additional information on crossing the Canada US border
Extended Visits
Canadians who enter the United States by boat are required to re-report into CBP every 72 hours until they leave United States waters.
If you have left Canadian waters and landed in the United States (i.e. docked or anchored in American waters), you are required to report to a CBSA-designated marine reporting site. Upon arrival at a CBSA-designated marine reporting site, call the Telephone Reporting Centre (TRC) at 1-888-226-7277 from the phone provided to obtain clearance.
If you have left Canadian waters and entered U.S waters but not landed in the United States (i.e. not docked or not anchored), you must still report in. You can contact the CBSA by calling the TRC at 1-888-226-7277 from your cellular telephone upon arrival back into Canadian waters.
US Canadian Border Crossings - The Basics
Posted by: Michael Leahy, www.great-lakes-sailing.com
If you want to truly enjoy all of what the Great Lakes have to offer, US Canadian border crossings are inevitable. The following information applies generally, regardless of whether you are Canadian or American, leaving or returning to your home country.
Both countries maintain active surveillance on the Great Lakes. In fact, that was a central topic at a recent Maritime Security Conference held in Toronto, ON. I have read remarks in sailing forums that suggest otherwise but common sense says that every country is going to use all methods possible to protect their borders. And this certainly applies to the US Canadian border.
There is a Maritime Security Operations Centre, there is the joint Canada – US 'Shiprider' program whereby each country's patrol vessels have law enforcement officers from the other country on-board to eliminate jurisdiction problems, etc. In all cases, treat it seriously, have your proper paperwork on hand and be prepared to be asked to produce it when required.
You have 'landed' in Canada when you enter Canadian territorial waters. You are not considered to have landed if you are “in transit”, defined as proceeding directly from 1 point outside of Canada to another point outside of Canada in a continuous, uninterrupted passage with no delays or stop-overs. You have 'landed' in Canada if you are weaving in and out of Canadian waters, for example if engaged in recreational fishing.
You have 'landed' in the United States when your vessel first comes to rest in US waters, whether at anchor, at a dock or beached.
Never leave home without acceptable identification. I believe that this should always be the case regardless of whether or not you intend on crossing the US Canadian border. You just never know what situations may develop.
The Master of the vessel (usually the owner/operator) is fully responsible for ensuring that there is complete documentation for every person on-board. The preferred piece of identification is a valid passport There are other acceptable forms of identification as well. For Canadians, some of these would include an enhanced driver's license, a NEXUS Card, a Permanent Resident Card or a Secure Certificate of Indian Status. For Americans, in addition to a valid passport or secure or enhanced driver's license, other acceptable identification would include a U.S. Passport Card, a NEXUS Card or a FAST Card.
If you have minor children on-board, you should be aware that with any US Canadian border crossing, customs and border officers are particularly vigilant because of the problems of missing children, runaways, parental kidnappings and human trafficking. Ensure you have proper documentation.
It important to carry the ownership and insurance documentation of your vessel. If you have prescription medications in your medical kit, make sure you have copies of the prescriptions to match them.
These documents can be carried in a waterproof case, available for inspection upon request. As Master, you are responsible for this. As a parent, you will likely have to organize it all for your family yourself anyways. However, if you have guests on-board and plan to enter another country, it is only prudent to ask to see each person's documentation – I would hate to sail across one of the Great Lakes only to be turned back because someone didn't have their documents. Or worse, be accused of attempting something illegal and having my boat seized. It does happen and I suspect the expensive taxi ride home would be an unhappy trip as you contemplate what you have lost.
Items on board
Know what you have on-board. Normal consumables are no problem. However, customs and border authorities are concerned with smuggling which is alive and well on the Great Lakes. With reference to Canada, there are specific prohibitions on bringing certain firearms into the country. Nothing will slow down your entry into Canada as much as discovering that your guest has slipped a hand cannon into the bottom of his or her duffel bag.
Each country has reporting requirements for large amounts of currency (CAN$10,000 and US$10,000). Failure to declare such amount can result in penalties including seizure of the money and possibly seizure of the boat. The best advice is to bring what you need and no more. Use a bank card as ATM machines are common. The Port Reviews list, where possible, the closest ATM to the harbour.
Both countries have stringent laws regarding illegal drugs. Again, as Master, it is your responsibility to ensure that everyone on-board is in compliance with the law. Take no chances here. Personally, I have no problems speaking to a guest directly about this and, if I have any concerns at all, asking to see their kit. After all, its my boat on the line – and yours too! That said, seizure of your boat will be among the least of your problems if illegal drugs are found on-board.
The purpose of these general remarks is just to have you think about some of the other issues involved when you begin to plan a cross-border adventure. US Canadian border crossings are not difficult or stressful - if you come prepared.
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